Mobile Value Added Services are making all rounds of talk post MVAS regulation enforcement in India. Indian wireless operators and value added service developers strongly opposed MVAS regulation during consultation with TRAI. Even GSM body COAI opposed it vigorously but failed to stop consumer friendly regulation. TRAI released report claimed as loud success to reduce the number of complaint around mobile value added service is far from real picture. As per TRAI report, in June 2013, the total number of VAS complaint received stood at 259476 whereas the complaint alleging mobile value added service activation was only 104996. Post MVAS regulation amendment enforcement from 1st July2013, TRAI claiming that due to amendment the number of total MVAS and alleged activation complaint went down to 95510 and 9338 respectively in August 2013. By demonstrating huge drop of 60% and 90% in total and alleged activation complaint is none other than self acknowledgement of successful enforcement of regulation. Based on reports, India total MVAS user base is around 150 mn and if only 0.1% of the total VAS users are only facing issues then it’s hard to accept. The reality is different, majority of user’s donot even know the reach out number to launch complaint and even though user’s achieve success in launching complaint, they do not know the final outcome of the same. One of my know is charged heavily for various MVAS services without requesting for the charged MVAS and he tried to launch an complaint through different ways for the last many day. It is also interesting to share that after repeated attempt he spent more money than what he was charged and am not talking about the mental agony and time cost during his attempt. The reality is that the released numbers may reach to unhandled level if wireless operator creates awareness around it. I have seen many advertisements by wireless service providers promoting their new launches but failed to see any awareness advertisements which clearly help their end consumer’s.
Mobile Value Added Service without Consent Activation Complaint Far From Reality - Indian Environment
Business News
Indian wireless operators
Mobile Value Added Services
MVAS regulation
TRAI report
wireless operator
wireless service providers