Unmatched Foreign Policy and Strategy Led by Honorable Narendra Modi


Post Honorable Narendra Modi took India Prime Minister charge, many analyst were very skeptical about his foreign policy. Most of them came out very openly and suggested that he is going to fail given his outreach mechanism of visiting as many as countries possible. The opposition parties also questioned the cost involved to it.

During the foreign visit, Mr. Prime Minister played first dice by meeting NRI's in townhall as shared his thought. He successfully demonstrated that he is with them and with Indian people and trying hard to fix the problem attached with social India especially in the social sector.

During visits, he realized that all countries want to come to India post his meeting with business Tycoon of respective countries and he came out with " Make In India" initiative with a clause of local investment too including in the social sector. Which brought many companies from respective countries to India and he asked his office that no red tape should be faced by the incoming companies.

He strategically opened Defence sector with FDI and that brought many companies knocking on India door. The Defence sector in all countries are the biggest lobbyist and that brought US to come closer to India. The recent South China Flash point brought Japan, South Korea ,and US closer to India as they felt that India can be an ally in the region. At the same time terrorist attacks in Europe union countries gave him the opportunity to attract all of them in his kitty.

The recent offers from US on themilitary collaborations, Russia closeness with India, France unconditional support to India . The recent military drill with US is a testimony of growing confidence on India and especially post G20 which concluded recently, India is now the central talking point and main driver against unwarranted element.

I would like to congratulated Honorable Mr. Narendra Modi to take India as Central attraction point worldwide. Read More 

Narendra Modi With 6C's Excellence

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Monday, 12 September 2016 at 02:26:00 GMT-7 delete

No doubt, Mr Modi is a great visionary leader and Mr. Prasad analyse his policy very well.
