Nokia ASHA Platform Attached Smartphone Volume May Bring Surprises in Next Few Quarters

The global shipment of Smartphone grown QoQ by high single digit in just concluded Q2, 2013. The major thrust came from Android powered devices and spearheaded by Samsung 75 Mn plus Smartphone device shipment. Apple tried to maintain their market share but lost bit of ground due to absence of any device launch. Window Mobile gained bit of traction mainly with the rise of Nokia Lumia volume. Nokia Lumia volume increased more than 20% with the introduction mid range Lumia Smartphone to attract consumers in emerging countries. The phasing out of Symbian OS based Smartphone volume went down below 1 Mn mark in recently concluded quarter and impacted dearly to Nokia Smartphone market share. For the last six quarter, Nokia total and Smartphone market share is going down but many few recognized another rising jewel from Nokia. In Q2, 2013, Nokia shipped 4.3 Mn fully touch screen Asha Smartphone which is gaining good traction in emerging and third world countries. Nokia launched new lower priced range of Asha Smartphone at the end of quarter and volume is not reflected in the numbers. If Nokia manages to devices quickly to market place then one should not be surprised that during Q3, 2013, Asha platform attached Smartphone volume may surpass WM attached Lumia Smart devices. The constant negative new flows around Nokia ofcourse impacted its product positioning but one successful quarter with solid volume may change the perception of consumer.

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