Enterprise mobility may act as saviour to regain growth story in telecom sector

Enterprise mobility is making news for the last half decade. Most of the Telco and Technology companies developed their strategy to define, develop, deploy as per their requirements to reap the benefits of the same. The Technology companies such as Sybase, Kony, Antenna, Microsoft, IBM, HP, NEC and many more came out very strongly with standardized specification to tap the untapped market place. They got successful in developed geographies such as US, West Europe, Japan whereas still struggling to be successful in mass market such as India, China, Brazil and many more. Many analysts concluded that the applications, data protection, security and low end device are the core reasons of slow adoption. The slowdown in Telecom Industry and its cascading impact acted as contributing factor of India on-going recession. An unpredictable slow adoption of 3G, few launches on BWA domain and heavy investment around the same raised the economics around the investment. With growing concern of communication service providers regarding regulatory compliance impact on their mobile value added services, low voice & data ARPU brought them to a stage of financial bleeding. I believe that, even now its not late that CSP refocus on Enterprise mobility potential portfolio. Even the basic Enterprise mobility product or service or attached application would bring much needed revenue $ without or with little research $. As per the published report, India is home of more than 450 Mn self and salaried professional and they can be the target customer. The Enterprise mobility would increase the D-ARPU and additional recurring revenue from application level license fee. I strongly believe that during the most probable worst phase of telecom industry, Enterprise mobility may act as revenue saviour.

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