The regulatory effort to protect Indian wireless and wired subscriber privacy as well as to enforce regulation started to show positive impact after 5 years of effort. In recent months, Indian regulators warned few wireless operators to twist their networks identify, block and initiate action against telemarketing flaunting regulatory compliance forced Mobile marketing tools as well as service provider to remodel their service offering. The “Telemarketing and SMS based promotional activities are termed as Wireless Enterprise Mobility” by few service providers raised their concerns regarding fall in business post enforcement of Do not Disturb, Increased termination charges and termed regulatory moves as showstopper act. I am surprised to observe that none talked about consumer pain and overall benefit of regulation on wireless ecosystem. I also carry reservation in terming Telemarketing calls and SMS based promotional calls as wireless marketing because all kind of wireless service must be supported with subscriber consent. The current solution offerings neglect consumer side.
Indian Mobile Marketing Business experiencing fall in business post stringent regulation
Mobile Marketing
pesky calls
Telecom Sector
TRAI Regulation
Unsolicited Commercial Communication